
189 lines
6.0 KiB

import glob
import os.path
import subprocess
import struct
import sys
import re
from .shared import *
def decide_arch(inpfiles):
for fp in inpfiles:
with open(fp, 'rb') as ff:
_ = # ei_ident
_ = 2) # ei_type
machine = # ei_machine
machnum = struct.unpack('<H', machine)[0]
if len(archs) != 1:
error("Input files have multiple architectures, can't link this...")
archn = list(archs)[0]
if archn not in archmagic:
eprintf("Unknown architecture number " + str(archn) + \
". Consult elf.h and rebuild your object files.")
return archmagic[archn]
def build_reloc_typ_table(reo):
relocs = dict({})
for s in reo.decode('utf-8').splitlines():
stuff = s.split()
# prolly a 'header' line
if len(stuff) < 5:
# yes, we're assuming every reference to the same symbol will use the
# same relocation type. if this isn't the case, your compiler flags are
# stupid
relocs[stuff[4]] = stuff[2]
return relocs
def has_lto_object(readelf_bin, files):
for x in files:
with open(x,'rb') as f:
if == b'BC': # LLVM bitcode! --> clang -flto
return True
output = subprocess.check_output([readelf_bin, '-s', '-W'] + files,
curfile = files[0]
for entry in output.decode('utf-8').splitlines():
stuff = entry.split()
if len(stuff)<2: continue
if stuff[0] == "File:": curfile = stuff[1]
if "__gnu_lto_" in entry or ".gnu.lto" in entry: # assuming nobody uses a symbol called "__gnu_lto_" ...
return True
return False
def get_needed_syms(readelf_bin, inpfile):
output = subprocess.check_output([readelf_bin, '-s', '-W',inpfile],
outrel = subprocess.check_output([readelf_bin, '-r', '-W',inpfile],
relocs = build_reloc_typ_table(outrel)
curfile = inpfile
for entry in output.decode('utf-8').splitlines():
stuff = entry.split()
if len(stuff)<2: continue
if stuff[0] == "File:": curfile = stuff[1]
if len(stuff)<8: continue
#if stuff[7].startswith("__gnu_lto_"): # yikes, an LTO object
# error("{} is an LTO object file, can't use this!".format(curfile))
if stuff[4] == "GLOBAL" and stuff[6] == "UND" and len(stuff[7])>0 \
and stuff[7] in relocs:
syms.add((stuff[7], relocs[stuff[7]]))
#needgot = False
#if "_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_" in syms:
# needgot = True
# syms.remove("_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_")
return syms#, needgot
def format_cc_path_line(entry):
category, path = entry.split(': ', 1)
path = path.lstrip('=')
return (category, list(set(os.path.realpath(p) \
for p in path.split(':') if os.path.isdir(p))))
def get_cc_paths(cc_bin):
bak = os.environ.copy()
os.environ['LANG'] = "C" # DON'T output localized search dirs!
output = subprocess.check_output([cc_bin, '-print-search-dirs'],
os.environ = bak
outputpairs = list(map(format_cc_path_line,
paths = {}
for category, path in outputpairs: paths[category] = path
if 'libraries' not in paths: # probably localized... sigh
# monkeypatch, assuming order...
paths = {}
paths['install' ] = outputpairs[0][1]
paths['programs' ] = outputpairs[1][1]
paths['libraries'] = outputpairs[2][1]
return paths
def get_cc_version(cc_bin):
bak = os.environ.copy()
os.environ['LANG'] = "C" # DON'T output localized search dirs!
output = subprocess.check_output([cc_bin, '--version'],
os.environ = bak
lines = output.decode('utf-8').splitlines()
if "Free Software Foundation" in lines[1]: # GCC
verstr = lines[0].split()[-1]
return ("gcc", tuple(map(int, verstr.split('.'))))
else: # assume clang
verstr = lines[0].split()[-1]
return ("clang", tuple(map(int, verstr.split('.'))))
def is_valid_elf(f): # Good Enough(tm)
with open(f, 'rb') as ff: return == b'\x7FELF'
def find_lib(spaths, wanted):
for p in spaths:
for f in glob.glob(glob.escape(p + '/lib' + wanted) + '.so*'):
if os.path.isfile(f) and is_valid_elf(f): return f
for f in glob.glob(glob.escape(p + '/' + wanted) + '.so*'):
if os.path.isfile(f) and is_valid_elf(f): return f
#for f in glob.glob(glob.escape(p) + '/lib' + wanted + '.a' ): return f
#for f in glob.glob(glob.escape(p) + '/' + wanted + '.a' ): return f
error("E: couldn't find library '" + wanted + "'.")
def find_libs(spaths, wanted):
return [find_lib(spaths, l) for l in wanted]
def list_symbols(readelf_bin, lib):
out = subprocess.check_output([readelf_bin, '-sW', lib], stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL)
lines = set(out.decode('utf-8').split('\n'))
symbols = []
for line in lines:
fields = re.split(r"\s+", line)
if len(fields) != 9:
vis, ndx, symbol = fields[6:9]
if vis != "DEFAULT" or ndx == "UND":
# strip away GLIBC versions
symbol = re.sub(r"@@.*$", "", symbol)
return symbols
def build_symbol_map(readelf_bin, libraries):
# create dictionary that maps symbols to libraries that provide them
symbol_map = {}
for lib in libraries:
symbols = list_symbols(readelf_bin, lib)
for symbol in symbols:
if symbol not in symbol_map:
symbol_map[symbol] = set()
soname = lib.split("/")[-1]
return symbol_map