import glob import os.path import re import subprocess import struct import sys from typing import NamedTuple, List, Dict, OrderedDict, Tuple, Set from .shared import * implicit_syms = { '_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_' } unsupported_symtyp = { 'NOTYPE', 'TLS', 'OBJECT' } # TODO: support OBJECT, and maybe TLS too class ExportSym(NamedTuple): name: str typ: str scope: str vis: str ndx: str def decide_arch(inpfiles): archs = set() for fp in inpfiles: with open(fp, 'rb') as ff: magi = # EI_MAGx of ei_ident if magi != b'\x7fELF': error("Input file '%s' is not an ELF file!" % fp) _ = # rest of ei_ident _ = 2) # ei_type machine = # ei_machine machnum = struct.unpack(' Dict[str, Set[str]]: # (symname, reloctyps) dict relocs = {} for s in reo.decode('utf-8').splitlines(): stuff = s.split() # prolly a 'header' line if len(stuff) != 7 and len(stuff) != 5: continue symname, reloctyp = stuff[4], stuff[2] if symname[0] == '.': # bleh continue relocs.setdefault(symname, set()).add(reloctyp) # don't do that here, only check for import/external symbols (in get_needed_syms) #if symname in relocs: # rlc = relocs[symname] # if rlc != reloctyp: # error("E: symbol '%s' used with multiple relocation types! (%s <-> %s)" # % (symname, reloctyp, rlc)) #else: # relocs[symname] = reloctyp return relocs def has_lto_object(readelf_bin, files): for x in files: with open(x,'rb') as f: if == b'BC': # LLVM bitcode! --> clang -flto return True output = subprocess.check_output([readelf_bin, '-s', '-W'] + files, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL) curfile = files[0] for entry in output.decode('utf-8').splitlines(): stuff = entry.split() if len(stuff) < 2: continue if stuff[0] == "File:": curfile = stuff[1] # assuming nobody uses a symbol called "__gnu_lto_"... if "__gnu_lto_" in entry or ".gnu.lto" in entry: return True return False def get_needed_syms(readelf_bin, inpfile) -> Dict[str, str]: # (symname, reloctyp) dict output = subprocess.check_output([readelf_bin, '-s', '-W',inpfile], stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL) outrel = subprocess.check_output([readelf_bin, '-r', '-W',inpfile], stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL) #eprintf(output.decode('utf-8')) #eprintf(outrel.decode('utf-8')) relocs = build_reloc_typ_table(outrel) curfile = inpfile syms = {} for entry in output.decode('utf-8').splitlines(): stuff = entry.split() if len(stuff) < 2: continue if stuff[0] == "File:": curfile = stuff[1] if len(stuff) < 8: continue scope, ndx, name = stuff[4], stuff[6], stuff[7] if name.startswith("__gnu_lto_"): # yikes, an LTO object error("E: {} is an LTO object file, can't use this!".format(curfile)) if scope == "GLOBAL" and ndx == "UND" and len(name) > 0: if name in relocs: rlt = relocs[name] if len(rlt) > 1: error("E: symbol '%s' has multiple relocations types?! (%s)" % (name, ', '.join(rlt))) #syms.add((name, rlt.pop())) if name in syms: assert False, ("??? %s" % name) syms[name] = rlt.pop() elif name not in implicit_syms: error("E: symbol '%s' has no relocation type?!" % name) #needgot = False #if "_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_" in syms: # needgot = True # syms.remove("_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_") return syms#, needgot def format_cc_path_line(entry): category, path = entry.split(': ', 1) path = path.lstrip('=') return (category, list(set(os.path.realpath(p) \ for p in path.split(':') if os.path.isdir(p)))) def get_cc_paths(cc_bin): bak = os.environ.copy() os.environ['LANG'] = "C" # DON'T output localized search dirs! output = subprocess.check_output([cc_bin, '-print-search-dirs'], stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL) os.environ = bak outputpairs = list(map(format_cc_path_line, output.decode('utf-8').splitlines())) paths = {} for category, path in outputpairs: paths[category] = path if 'libraries' not in paths: # probably localized... sigh # monkeypatch, assuming order... paths = {} paths['install' ] = outputpairs[0][1] paths['programs' ] = outputpairs[1][1] paths['libraries'] = outputpairs[2][1] return paths def get_cc_version(cc_bin): bak = os.environ.copy() os.environ['LANG'] = "C" # DON'T output localized search dirs! output = subprocess.check_output([cc_bin, '--version'], stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL) os.environ = bak lines = output.decode('utf-8').splitlines() if "Free Software Foundation" in lines[1]: # GCC verstr = lines[0].split()[-1] return ("gcc", tuple(map(int, verstr.split('.')))) else: # assume clang verstr = lines[0].split()[-1] return ("clang", tuple(map(int, verstr.split('.')))) def is_valid_elf(f): # Good Enough(tm) with open(f, 'rb') as ff: return == b'\x7FELF' def find_lib(spaths, wanted): for p in spaths: for f in glob.glob(glob.escape('%s/lib%s' % (p, wanted)) + '.so*'): if os.path.isfile(f) and is_valid_elf(f): return f for f in glob.glob(glob.escape('%s/%s' % (p, wanted)) + '.so*'): if os.path.isfile(f) and is_valid_elf(f): return f #for f in glob.glob(glob.escape(p) + '/lib' + wanted + '.a' ): return f #for f in glob.glob(glob.escape(p) + '/' + wanted + '.a' ): return f error("E: couldn't find library '%s'." % wanted) def find_libs(spaths, wanted): return [find_lib(spaths, l) for l in wanted] def list_symbols(readelf_bin, lib): out = subprocess.check_output([readelf_bin, '-sW', lib], stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL) lines = set(out.decode('utf-8').split('\n')) symbols = [] for line in lines: fields = re.split(r"\s+", line) if len(fields) != 9: continue vis, ndx, symbol = fields[6:9] if vis != "DEFAULT" or ndx == "UND": continue # strip away GLIBC versions symbol = re.sub(r"@@.*$", "", symbol) symbols.append(symbol) return symbols def build_symbol_map(readelf_bin, libraries) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, ExportSym]]: # create dictionary that maps symbols to libraries that provide them, and their metadata symbol_map = {} # symname -> (lib, exportsym) out = subprocess.check_output([readelf_bin, '-sW', *libraries], stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL) lines = out.decode('utf-8').splitlines() curfile = libraries[0] soname = curfile.split("/")[-1] for line in lines: fields = line.split() if len(fields) < 2: continue if fields[0] == "File:": curfile = fields[1] soname = curfile.split("/")[-1] if len(fields) != 8: continue typ, scope, vis, ndx, name = fields[3:8] if vis != "DEFAULT" \ or scope == "LOCAL": #\ #or (ndx == "UND" and scope != "WEAK"):# \ # nah, that one's done further down the line as well #or typ in unsupported_symtym: # ^ except, for the last case, we're going to emit proper errors later on continue # strip away GLIBC versions name = re.sub(r"@@.*$", "", name) symbol_map.setdefault(name, {})[soname] = ExportSym(name, typ, scope, vis, ndx) return symbol_map # this ordening is specific to ONE symbol! def build_preferred_lib_order(sym, libs: Dict[str, ExportSym]) -> List[str]: # libs: lib -> syminfo realdefs = [lib for lib, v in libs.items() if v.scope != "WEAK" and v.ndx != "UND"] weakdefs = [lib for lib, v in libs.items() if v.scope == "WEAK" and v.ndx != "UND"] weakunddefs = [lib for lib, v in libs.items() if v.scope == "WEAK" and v.ndx == "UND"] unddefs = [lib for lib, v in libs.items() if v.scope != "WEAK" and v.ndx == "UND"] #ks = [ for k, v in libs.items()] #print("k=",ks) #assert all(k == ks[0] for k in ks) if len(realdefs) > 1: #or (len(realdefs) == 0 and len(weakdefs) > 1): error("E: symbol '%s' defined non-weakly in multiple libraries! (%s)" % (sym, ', '.join(realdefs))) if len(realdefs) == 0 and len(weakdefs) > 1: eprintf("W: symbol '%s' defined amibguously weakly in multiple libraries! Will pick a random one... (%s)" % (sym, ', '.join(weakdefs))) if len(realdefs) == 0 and len(weakdefs) == 0: # must be in weakunddefs or unddefs error("E: no default weak implementation found for symbol '%s'" % sym) return realdefs + weakdefs + weakunddefs + unddefs def has_good_subordening(needles, haystack): haylist = [x[0] for x in haystack] prevind = 0 for lib in needles: curind = None try: curind = haylist.index(lib) except ValueError: # not in haystack --> eh, let's ignore continue if curind < prevind: return False prevind = curind return True def add_with_ordening(haystack: List[Tuple[str, Dict[str, str]]], # [(libname, (symname -> reloctyp))] needles: List[str], # [lib] sym: str, reloc: str, last=False) \ -> List[Tuple[str, Dict[str, str]]]: haylist = [x[0] for x in haystack] startind = None if last else 0 ii = 0 for lib in needles: #eprintf("k=",k,"v=",v) try: newind = haylist.index(lib) #eprintf("lib=%s newind=%d" % (lib, newind)) #assert newind >= startind, "???? (%d <= %d)" % (newind, startind) startind = newind if ii == 0: symrelocdict = haystack[startind][1] assert not(sym in symrelocdict), "?????" haystack[startind][1][sym] = reloc except ValueError: # not in haystack --> add! if startind is None: startind = len(haystack) if not last: startind = startind + 1 #eprintf("lib=%s NEWind=%d" % (lib, startind)) dv = {sym: reloc} if ii == 0 else {} haystack.insert(startind, (lib, dv)) haylist.insert(startind, lib) if last: startind = startind + 1 ii = ii + 1 return haystack def visable(ll): rr = [] for k, v in ll: if isinstance(v, ExportSym): rr.append((k, v)) # else: rr.append((k, v.keys())) return rr def resolve_extern_symbols(needed: Dict[str, List[str]], # symname -> reloctyps available: Dict[str, Dict[str, ExportSym]], # symname -> (lib -> syminfo) args) \ -> OrderedDict[str, Dict[str, str]]: # libname -> (symname -> reloctyp) # first of all, we're going to check which needed symbols are provided by # which libraries bound = {} # sym -> (reloc, (lib -> syminfo)) for k, v in needed.items(): if k not in available: error("E: symbol '%s' could not be found." % k) bound[k] = (v, available[k]) # default ordening bound = bound.items() if args.det: bound = sorted(bound, key=lambda kv: (len(kv[0]), kv[0])) #eprintf("bound", bound,"\n") liborder = [] # [(libname, (symname -> reloctyp))] for k, v in bound: # k: sym (str) # reloc: str # libs: lib -> syminfo reloc, libs = v[0], v[1] if len(libs) <= 1: continue # preferred: [lib] #eprintf("libs",visable(libs.items())) preferred = build_preferred_lib_order(k, libs) #eprintf("preferred",preferred) if not has_good_subordening(preferred, liborder): message = None if args.fuse_dnload_loader and not args.fskip_zero_value: message = "W: unreconcilable library ordenings '%s' and '%s' "+\ "for symbol '%s', you are STRONGLY advised to use `-fskip-zero-value'!" if not args.fuse_dnload_loader and not args.fskip_zero_value: message = "W: unreconcilable library ordenings '%s' and '%s' "+\ "for symbol '%s', you might want to enable `-fskip-zero-value'." if message is not None: eprintf(message % (', '.join(liborder.keys()), ', '.join(preferred.keys()), k)) liborder = add_with_ordening(liborder, preferred, k, reloc) #eprintf("new order",visable(liborder),"\n") # add all those left without any possible preferred ordening for k, v in bound: reloc, libs = v[0], v[1] if len(libs) == 0: assert False, ("??? (%s)" % sym) if len(libs) != 1: continue lib = libs.popitem() # (lib, syminfo) #eprintf("lib",lib) liborder = add_with_ordening(liborder, [lib[0]], k, reloc, True) #eprintf("new order (no preference)",visable(liborder),"\n") #eprintf("ordered", visable(liborder)) return OrderedDict(liborder)