
170 lines
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2019-01-30 23:14:36 +00:00
; vim: set ft=nasm:
%include ""
%ifdef ELF_TYPE
[section .text.startup.smol]
; not defined -> debugging!
[section .text]
2019-02-02 17:14:28 +00:00
; rbx: ptrdiff_t glibc_vercompat_extra_hi_field_off
; r10: struct link_map* entry + far correction factor
; r12: struct link_map* entry
; r13: _dl_fini address (reqd by the ABI)
2019-01-30 23:14:36 +00:00
%ifndef ELF_TYPE
extern _symbols
global _start
2019-02-02 17:14:28 +00:00
%ifdef USE_DL_FINI
2019-01-30 23:14:36 +00:00
xchg r13, rdx ; _dl_fini
2019-02-02 17:14:28 +00:00
2019-01-30 23:14:36 +00:00
mov r12, [rsp - 8] ; return address of _dl_init
mov r11d, dword [r12 - 20] ; decode part of 'mov rdi, [rel _rtld_global]'
mov r12, [r12 + r11 - 16] ; ???
; struct link_map* root = r12
;mov r12, rdi
mov rsi, r12
; size_t* field = (size_t*)root;
; for (; *field != _smol_start; ++field) ;
cmp rax, _smol_start
jne short .next_off
; // rbx = offsetof(struct link_map* rsi, l_entry) - DEFAULT_OFFSET
; rbx = field - root - offsetof(struct link_map, l_entry)
sub rsi, r12
sub rsi, LF_ENTRY_OFF+8
xchg rbx, rsi
mov esi, _symbols
2019-01-30 23:14:36 +00:00
; for (rsi = (uint8_t*)_symbols; *rsi; ++rsi) {
cmp byte [rsi], 0
je .needed_end
; do { // iter over the link_map
; entry = entry->l_next;
mov r12, [r12 + L_NEXT_OFF] ; skip the first one (this is our main
; binary, it has no symbols)
; keep the current symbol in a backup reg
mov rdx, rsi
; r11 = basename(rsi = entry->l_name)
mov rsi, [r12 + L_NAME_OFF]
mov r11, rsi
cmp al, '/'
cmove r11, rsi
or al, al
jnz short
; and place it back
mov rsi, rdx ; rsi == _symbol
; strcmp(rsi, r11) -> flags; rsi == first hash if matches
or al, al
jz short .strcmp.done
sub al, byte [r11]
cmovnz rsi, rdx
jnz short .next_link;.strcmp.done
inc r11
jmp short .strcmp
;mov rsi, rdx
; if (strcmp(...)) goto next_link;
;cmovnz r12, [r12 + L_NEXT_OFF] ; this is guaranteed to be nonzero
;jnz short .next_link ; because otherwise would have complained
; now we have the right link_map of the library, so all we have
; to do now is to find the right symbol addresses corresponding
; to the hashes.
; do {
; if (!*phash) break;
or eax, eax
jz short .next_needed ; done the last hash, so move to the next lib
;link_symbol(struct link_map* entry = r12, size_t* phash = rsi, uint32_t hash = eax)
lea r10, [r12 + rbx]
mov r11, rax
; uint32_t bkt_ind(edx) = hash % entry->l_nbuckets
xor edx, edx
mov ecx, dword [r10 + LF_NBUCKETS_OFF]
div ecx
; shift left because we don't want to compare the lowest bit
shr r11, 1
; uint32_t bucket(edx) = entry->l_gnu_buckets[bkt_ind]
mov r8, [r10 + LF_GNU_BUCKETS_OFF]
mov edx, dword [r8 + rdx * 4]
; do {
; uint32_t luhash(ecx) = entry->l_gnu_chain_zero[bucket] >> 1
mov rcx, [r10 + LF_GNU_CHAIN_ZERO_OFF]
mov ecx, dword [rcx + rdx * 4]
shr ecx, 1
; if (luhash == hash) break;
cmp ecx, r11d
je short .chain_break
; ++bucket; } while (1);
inc edx
jne short .next_chain
; ElfW(Sym)* symtab = entry->l_info[DT_SYMTAB]->d_un.d_ptr
; ElfW(Sym)* sym = &symtab[bucket]
; *phash = sym->st_value + entry->l_addr
; ElfW(Dyn)* dyn(rax) = entry->l_info[DT_SYMTAB]
mov rax, [r12 + L_INFO_DT_SYMTAB_OFF]
; ElfW(Sym)* symtab(rax) = dyn->d_un.d_ptr
mov rax, [rax + D_UN_PTR_OFF]
; ElfW(Addr) symoff(rax) = symtab[bucket].st_value
lea rdx, [rdx + rdx * 2]
mov rax, [rax + rdx * 8 + ST_VALUE_OFF]
; void* finaladdr(rax) = symoff + entry->l_addr
mov rcx, [r12 + L_ADDR_OFF]
add rax, rcx
; *phash = finaladdr
mov [rsi-8], rax
; } while (1)
jmp short .next_hash
2019-02-02 17:14:28 +00:00
;xor rbp, rbp ; still 0 from _dl_start_user
2019-01-30 23:14:36 +00:00
mov rdi, rsp
2019-01-30 23:14:36 +00:00
push rax
2019-02-02 17:14:28 +00:00
%ifdef USE_DL_FINI
2019-01-30 23:14:36 +00:00
xchg rsi, r13 ; _dl_fini
2019-02-02 17:14:28 +00:00
2019-01-30 23:14:36 +00:00
; fallthru to _start