
393 lines
13 KiB
Raw Normal View History

import glob
import os.path
import re
import subprocess
import struct
import sys
from typing import NamedTuple, List, Dict, OrderedDict, Tuple, Set
from .shared import *
implicit_syms = { '_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_' }
unsupported_symtyp = { 'NOTYPE', 'TLS', 'OBJECT' } # TODO: support OBJECT, and maybe TLS too
class ExportSym(NamedTuple):
name: str
typ: str
scope: str
vis: str
ndx: str
def decide_arch(inpfiles):
archs = set()
for fp in inpfiles:
with open(fp, 'rb') as ff:
magi = # EI_MAGx of ei_ident
if magi != b'\x7fELF':
error("Input file '%s' is not an ELF file!" % fp)
_ = # rest of ei_ident
_ = 2) # ei_type
machine = # ei_machine
machnum = struct.unpack('<H', machine)[0]
if len(archs) != 1:
error("Input files have multiple architectures, can't link this...")
archn = archs.pop()
if archn not in archmagic:
eprintf("Unknown architecture number %d" + \
". Consult elf.h and rebuild your object files." % archn)
return archmagic[archn]
def build_reloc_typ_table(reo) -> Dict[str, Set[str]]: # (symname, reloctyps) dict
relocs = {}
for s in reo.decode('utf-8').splitlines():
stuff = s.split()
# prolly a 'header' line
if len(stuff) != 7 and len(stuff) != 5:
symname, reloctyp = stuff[4], stuff[2]
if symname[0] == '.': # bleh
relocs.setdefault(symname, set()).add(reloctyp)
# don't do that here, only check for import/external symbols (in get_needed_syms)
#if symname in relocs:
# rlc = relocs[symname]
# if rlc != reloctyp:
# error("E: symbol '%s' used with multiple relocation types! (%s <-> %s)"
# % (symname, reloctyp, rlc))
# relocs[symname] = reloctyp
return relocs
def has_lto_object(readelf_bin, files):
for x in files:
with open(x,'rb') as f:
if == b'BC': # LLVM bitcode! --> clang -flto
return True
output = subprocess.check_output([readelf_bin, '-s', '-W'] + files,
curfile = files[0]
for entry in output.decode('utf-8').splitlines():
stuff = entry.split()
if len(stuff) < 2:
if stuff[0] == "File:":
curfile = stuff[1]
# assuming nobody uses a symbol called "__gnu_lto_"...
if "__gnu_lto_" in entry or ".gnu.lto" in entry:
return True
return False
def get_needed_syms(readelf_bin, inpfile) -> Dict[str, str]: # (symname, reloctyp) dict
output = subprocess.check_output([readelf_bin, '-s', '-W',inpfile],
outrel = subprocess.check_output([readelf_bin, '-r', '-W',inpfile],
relocs = build_reloc_typ_table(outrel)
curfile = inpfile
syms = {}
for entry in output.decode('utf-8').splitlines():
stuff = entry.split()
if len(stuff) < 2:
if stuff[0] == "File:":
curfile = stuff[1]
if len(stuff) < 8:
scope, ndx, name = stuff[4], stuff[6], stuff[7]
if name.startswith("__gnu_lto_"): # yikes, an LTO object
error("E: {} is an LTO object file, can't use this!".format(curfile))
if scope == "GLOBAL" and ndx == "UND" and len(name) > 0:
if name in relocs:
rlt = relocs[name]
if len(rlt) > 1:
error("E: symbol '%s' has multiple relocations types?! (%s)"
% (name, ', '.join(rlt)))
#syms.add((name, rlt.pop()))
if name in syms:
assert False, ("??? %s" % name)
syms[name] = rlt.pop()
elif name not in implicit_syms:
error("E: symbol '%s' has no relocation type?!" % name)
#needgot = False
#if "_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_" in syms:
# needgot = True
# syms.remove("_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_")
return syms#, needgot
def format_cc_path_line(entry):
category, path = entry.split(': ', 1)
path = path.lstrip('=')
return (category, list(set(os.path.realpath(p) \
for p in path.split(':') if os.path.isdir(p))))
def get_cc_paths(cc_bin):
bak = os.environ.copy()
os.environ['LANG'] = "C" # DON'T output localized search dirs!
output = subprocess.check_output([cc_bin, '-print-search-dirs'],
os.environ = bak
outputpairs = list(map(format_cc_path_line,
2019-05-17 19:23:45 +00:00
paths = {}
for category, path in outputpairs: paths[category] = path
if 'libraries' not in paths: # probably localized... sigh
# monkeypatch, assuming order...
paths = {}
paths['install' ] = outputpairs[0][1]
paths['programs' ] = outputpairs[1][1]
paths['libraries'] = outputpairs[2][1]
return paths
def get_cc_version(cc_bin):
bak = os.environ.copy()
os.environ['LANG'] = "C" # DON'T output localized search dirs!
output = subprocess.check_output([cc_bin, '--version'],
os.environ = bak
lines = output.decode('utf-8').splitlines()
if "Free Software Foundation" in lines[1]: # GCC
verstr = lines[0].split()[-1]
return ("gcc", tuple(map(int, verstr.split('.'))))
else: # assume clang
verstr = lines[0].split()[-1]
return ("clang", tuple(map(int, verstr.split('.'))))
2020-05-03 18:50:31 +00:00
def is_valid_elf(f): # Good Enough(tm)
with open(f, 'rb') as ff:
return == b'\x7FELF'
def find_lib(spaths, wanted):
for p in spaths:
for f in glob.glob(glob.escape('%s/lib%s' % (p, wanted)) + '.so*'):
if os.path.isfile(f) and is_valid_elf(f):
return f
for f in glob.glob(glob.escape('%s/%s' % (p, wanted)) + '.so*'):
if os.path.isfile(f) and is_valid_elf(f):
return f
#for f in glob.glob(glob.escape(p) + '/lib' + wanted + '.a' ): return f
#for f in glob.glob(glob.escape(p) + '/' + wanted + '.a' ): return f
error("E: couldn't find library '%s'." % wanted)
def find_libs(spaths, wanted):
return [find_lib(spaths, l) for l in wanted]
def list_symbols(readelf_bin, lib):
out = subprocess.check_output([readelf_bin, '-sW', lib], stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL)
lines = set(out.decode('utf-8').split('\n'))
symbols = []
for line in lines:
fields = re.split(r"\s+", line)
if len(fields) != 9:
vis, ndx, symbol = fields[6:9]
if vis != "DEFAULT" or ndx == "UND":
2020-08-24 17:27:42 +00:00
# strip away GLIBC versions
symbol = re.sub(r"@@.*$", "", symbol)
return symbols
def build_symbol_map(readelf_bin, libraries) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, ExportSym]]:
# create dictionary that maps symbols to libraries that provide them, and their metadata
symbol_map = {} # symname -> (lib, exportsym)
out = subprocess.check_output([readelf_bin, '-sW', *libraries], stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL)
lines = out.decode('utf-8').splitlines()
curfile = libraries[0]
soname = curfile.split("/")[-1]
for line in lines:
fields = line.split()
if len(fields) < 2:
if fields[0] == "File:":
curfile = fields[1]
soname = curfile.split("/")[-1]
if len(fields) != 8:
typ, scope, vis, ndx, name = fields[3:8]
if vis != "DEFAULT" \
or scope == "LOCAL": #\
#or (ndx == "UND" and scope != "WEAK"):# \ # nah, that one's done further down the line as well
#or typ in unsupported_symtym:
# ^ except, for the last case, we're going to emit proper errors later on
# strip away GLIBC versions
name = re.sub(r"@@.*$", "", name)
symbol_map.setdefault(name, {})[soname] = ExportSym(name, typ, scope, vis, ndx)
return symbol_map
# this ordening is specific to ONE symbol!
def build_preferred_lib_order(sym, libs: Dict[str, ExportSym]) -> List[Tuple[str, ExportSym]]:
# libs: lib -> syminfo
realdefs = [(k, v) for k, v in libs.items() if v.scope != "WEAK"]
weakdefs = [(k, v) for k, v in libs.items() if v.scope == "WEAK" and v.ndx != "UND"]
weakunddefs = [(k, v) for k, v in libs.items() if v.scope == "WEAK" and v.ndx == "UND"]
#assert len(realdefs) + len(weakdefs) + len(weakunddefs) == len(libs)
if len(realdefs) > 1 or (len(realdefs) == 0 and len(weakdefs) > 1):
error("E: symbol '%s' defined non-weakly in multiple libraries! (%s)"
% (sym, ', '.join(libs.keys())))
if len(realdefs) == 0 and len(weakdefs) == 0: # must be in weakunddefs
error("E: no default weak implementation found for symbol '%s'" % sym)
return realdefs + weakdefs + weakunddefs
def has_good_subordening(needles, haystack):
haylist = [x[0] for x in haystack]
prevind = 0
for k, _ in needles:
curind = None
curind = haylist.index(k)
except ValueError: # not in haystack --> eh, let's ignore
if curind < prevind:
return False
prevind = curind
return True
def add_with_ordening(haystack: List[Tuple[str, Dict[str, str]]], # [(libname, (symname -> reloctyp))]
needles: List[Tuple[str, ExportSym]], # [(lib, syminfo)]
sym: str, reloc: str) \
-> List[Tuple[str, Dict[str, str]]]:
haylist = [x[0] for x in haystack]
startind = 0
for k, v in needles:
newind = haylist.index(k)
assert newind >= startind, "???? (%d <= %d)" % (newind, startind)
startind = newind
symrelocdict = haystack[startind][1]
if in symrelocdict:
assert False, "?????"
haystack[startind][1][] = reloc
except ValueError: # not in haystack --> add!
startind = startind + 1
haystack.insert(startind, (k, {}))
haylist.insert(startind, k)
return haystack
def resolve_extern_symbols(needed: Dict[str, List[str]], # symname -> reloctyps
available: Dict[str, Dict[str, ExportSym]], # symname -> (lib -> syminfo)
args) \
-> OrderedDict[str, Dict[str, str]]: # libname -> (symname -> reloctyp)
# first of all, we're going to check which needed symbols are provided by
# which libraries
bound = {} # sym -> (reloc, (lib -> syminfo))
for k, v in needed.items():
if k not in available:
error("E: symbol '%s' could not be found." % k)
bound[k] = (v, available[k])
# default ordening
bound = bound.items()
if args.det:
bound = sorted(bound, key=lambda kv: (len(kv[0]), kv[0]))
#eprintf("bound", bound)
liborder = [] # [(libname, (symname -> reloctyp))]
for k, v in bound: # k: sym (str)
# reloc: str
# libs: lib -> syminfo
reloc, libs = v[0], v[1]
if len(libs) <= 1:
# preferred: [(lib, syminfo)]
preferred = build_preferred_lib_order(k, libs)
if not has_good_subordening(preferred, liborder):
message = None
if args.fuse_dnload_loader and not args.fskip_zero_value:
message = "W: unreconcilable library ordenings '%s' and '%s' "+\
"for symbol '%s', you are STRONGLY advised to use `-fskip-zero-value'!"
if not args.fuse_dnload_loader and not args.fskip_zero_value:
message = "W: unreconcilable library ordenings '%s' and '%s' "+\
"for symbol '%s', you might want to enable `-fskip-zero-value'."
if message is not None:
eprintf(message % (', '.join(liborder.keys()), ', '.join(preferred.keys()), k))
liborder = add_with_ordening(liborder, preferred, k, reloc)
#eprintf("new order",liborder)
# add all those left without any possible preferred ordening
for k, v in bound:
reloc, libs = v[0], v[1]
if len(libs) == 0:
assert False, ("??? (%s)" % sym)
if len(libs) != 1:
lib = libs.popitem() # (lib, syminfo)
liborder = add_with_ordening(liborder, [lib], k, reloc)
#eprintf("new order (no preference)",liborder)
#eprintf("ordered", liborder)
return OrderedDict(liborder)