
201 lines
6.6 KiB

from typing import Optional as O, Union as U, Callable, Any, List, Sequence, Mapping, Generic as G, TypeVar, Tuple as Tu
from types import FunctionType
from ..core.base import PossibleDynamic as D, Type, Context, PathElement
from import Stream, add_sizes
from ..core import to_type
T = TypeVar('T', bound=Type)
class Arr(G[T], Type[List[T]]):
def __init__(self, child: D[T], count: O[D[int]] = None, stop: O[U[D[Any], Callable[[Any], bool]]] = None, include_stop: D[bool] = False) -> None:
self.child = child
self.count = count
self.stop = stop
self.include_stop = include_stop
def parse(self, context: Context, stream: Stream) -> List[T]:
child = context.get(self.child)
count = context.get(self.count)
stop = context.get(self.stop)
include_stop = context.get(self.include_stop)
value = []
while True:
i = len(value)
if count is not None and i >= count:
c = to_type(child)
with context.enter(i, c):
elem = context.parse(c, stream)
except EOFError:
if count is None:
if stop is not None:
if isinstance(stop, FunctionType):
should_stop = stop(elem)
should_stop = elem == stop
if should_stop:
if include_stop:
return value
def dump(self, context: Context, stream: Stream, value: List[T]) -> None:
child = context.get(self.child)
count = context.get(self.count)
stop = context.get(self.stop)
include_stop = context.get(self.include_stop)
if stop is not None and not isinstance(stop, FunctionType) and not include_stop:
value += [stop]
for i, elem in enumerate(value):
c = to_type(child)
with context.enter(i, c):
context.dump(child, stream, elem)
context.put(self.count, len(value))
def get_sizes(self, context: Context, value: O[List[T]], n: int) -> Mapping[str, int]:
child = context.peek(self.child)
stop = context.peek(self.stop)
sizes = []
for i in range(n):
c = to_type(child)
if value is not None:
elem = value[i]
elem = None
with context.enter(i, c):
size = context.sizeof(c, elem)
if stop is not None and not isinstance(stop, FunctionType):
sizes.append(context.sizeof(child, stop))
return sizes
def sizeof(self, context: Context, value: O[List[T]]) -> O[Mapping[str, int]]:
if value is not None:
count = len(value)
count = context.peek(self.count)
if count is None:
return None
sizes = self.get_sizes(context, value, count)
return add_sizes(*sizes) if sizes else 0
def offsetof(self, context: Context, path: Sequence[PathElement], value: O[List[T]]) -> O[int]:
if not path:
return 0
i = path[0]
path = path[1:]
if not isinstance(i, int):
raise ValueError('path element for array must be integer')
child = context.peek(self.child)
sizes = self.get_sizes(context, value, i)
if path:
c = to_type(child)
with context.enter(i, c):
sizes.append(context.offsetof(c, path, value[i] if value is not None else None))
return add_sizes(*sizes) if sizes else 0
def default(self, context: Context) -> List[T]:
child = context.peek(self.child)
count = context.peek(self.count)
if count is None or child is None:
value = []
value = [context.default(child) for _ in range(count)]
return value
def __str__(self) -> str:
if self.count is not None:
count = repr(self.count)
count = ''
return f'{self.child}[{count}]'
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f'<{__name__}.{self.__class__.__name__}({self.child!r}, count: {self.count!r}, stop: {self.stop!r}, include_stop: {self.include_stop!r})>'
class Tuple(Type):
def __init__(self, *children: Type) -> None:
self.children = children
def parse(self, context: Context, stream: Stream) -> Tu:
values = []
for i, child in enumerate(self.children):
c = to_type(child)
with context.enter(i, c):
elem = context.parse(c, stream)
return tuple(values)
def dump(self, context: Context, stream: Stream, value: Tu) -> None:
for i, (child, elem) in enumerate(zip(self.children, value)):
c = to_type(child)
with context.enter(i, c):
context.dump(c, stream, elem)
def sizeof(self, context: Context, value: O[Tu]) -> O[int]:
sizes = []
if value is None:
value = [None] * len(self.children)
for i, (child, elem) in enumerate(zip(self.children, value)):
c = to_type(child)
with context.enter(i, c):
sizes.append(context.sizeof(c, elem))
return add_sizes(*sizes)
def offsetof(self, context: Context, path: Sequence[PathElement], value: O[Tu]) -> O[int]:
if not path:
return 0
n = path[0]
path = path[1:]
if not isinstance(n, int):
raise ValueError('path element for tuple must be integer')
sizes = []
if value is None:
value = [None] * len(self.children)
for i, (child, elem) in enumerate(zip(self.children, value)):
if i >= n:
c = to_type(child)
with context.enter(i, c):
sizes.append(context.sizeof(c, elem))
if path:
c = to_type(child)
with context.enter(n, c):
sizes.append(context.offsetof(c, path, elem))
return add_sizes(*sizes)
def default(self, context: Context) -> Tu:
return tuple(context.default(c) for c in self.children)
def __str__(self) -> str:
return '(' + ', '.join(str(c) for c in self.children) + ')'
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f'<{__name__}.{self.__class__.__name__}(' + ', '.join(repr(c) for c in self.children) + ')>'