
254 lines
7.9 KiB

import enum
from itertools import zip_longest
from destruct import parse, Type, Struct
from .common import CLRCodedToken, CLRTableType, CLRElementType, MultiEnum
class CLRType:
class CLRPrimitiveType(CLRType):
def __init__(self, type: CLRElementType):
self.type = type
def __str__(self):
class CLRPointerType(CLRType):
def __init__(self, child: CLRType):
self.child = child
def __str__(self):
return str(self.child) + '*'
class CLRRefType(CLRType):
def __init__(self, child: CLRType):
self.child = child
def __str__(self):
return str(self.child) + '&'
class CLRPinnedType(CLRType):
def __init__(self, child: CLRType):
self.child = child
def __str__(self):
return str(self.child) + ' fixed&'
class CLRUserTypeKind(enum.Enum):
Class = 'class'
ValueType = 'enum'
class CLRUserType(CLRType):
def __init__(self, token, kind):
self.token = token
self.kind = kind
def __str__(self):
if self.token.table == CLRTableType.TypeRef:
prefix = 'ext-'
prefix = ''
return '{}{}#{}'.format(prefix, self.kind.value, self.token.row)
class CLROptionalType(CLRType):
def __init__(self, child):
self.child = child
def __str__(self):
return str(self.child) + '?'
class CLRRequiredType(CLRType):
def __init__(self, child):
self.child = child
def __str__(self):
return str(self.child) + '!'
class CLRGenericParamScope(enum.Enum):
Type = 'type'
Method = 'method'
class CLRGenericParamType(CLRType):
def __init__(self, index, scope):
self.index = index
self.scope = scope
def __str__(self):
return '#' + str(self.index)
class CLRGenericInstantiationType(CLRType):
def __init__(self, child, args):
self.child = child
self.args = args
def __str__(self):
return str(self.child) + '[' + ', '.join(str(a) for a in self.args) + ']'
class CLRArrayType(CLRType):
def __init__(self, child, rank, sizes=None, lowers=None):
self.child = child
self.rank = rank
self.sizes = sizes or []
self.lowers = lowers or []
def __str__(self):
return str(self.child) + ''.join(
'[{}{}]'.format(str(lower) + '...' if lower else '', upper + (lower or 0) if upper else '')
for _, lower, upper in zip_longest(range(self.rank), self.lowers, self.sizes)
class CLRElement(Type):
def __init__(self, child):
self.child = child
def parse(self, input, context):
nested_types = {
CLRElementType.Pointer: CLRPointerType,
CLRElementType.ByRef: CLRRefType,
CLRElementType.Pinned: CLRPinnedType,
token_types = {
CLRElementType.Class: lambda t: CLRUserType(t, CLRUserTypeKind.Class),
CLRElementType.ValueType: lambda t: CLRUserType(t, CLRUserTypeKind.ValueType),
CLRElementType.OptModifier: CLROptionalType,
CLRElementType.ReqModifier: CLRRequiredType,
int_types = {
CLRElementType.Var: lambda i: CLRGenericParamType(i, CLRGenericParamScope.Type),
CLRElementType.MVar: lambda i: CLRGenericParamType(i, CLRGenericParamScope.Method),
val = CLRElementType(parse(self.child, input, context))
if val in nested_types:
with context.enter(, self):
val = nested_types[val](self.parse(input, context))
elif val in token_types:
with context.enter(, self.child):
raw = parse(self.child, input, context)
token = parse(CLRCodedToken([CLRTableType.TypeDef, CLRTableType.TypeRef]), raw.to_bytes(4, 'little'), context)
val = token_types[val](token)
elif val in int_types:
with context.enter(, self.child):
val = int_types[val](parse(self.child, input, context))
elif val == CLRElementType.Array:
with context.enter(, self):
type = self.parse(input, context)
rank = parse(self.child, input, context)
nbounds = parse(self.child, input, context)
bounds = [parse(self.child, input, context) for _ in range(nbounds)]
nlo = parse(self.child, input, context)
lo = [parse(self.child, input, context) for _ in range(nlo)]
val = CLRArrayType(type, rank, bounds, lo)
elif val == CLRElementType.GenericInst:
with context.enter(, self):
type = self.parse(input, context)
nargs = parse(self.child, input, context)
args = []
for i in range(nargs):
with context.enter(i, self):
args.append(self.parse(input, context))
val = CLRGenericInstantiationType(type, args)
val = CLRPrimitiveType(val)
return val
class CLRCompressedInt(Type):
def __init__(self, signed=True):
self.signed = signed
def parse(self, input, context):
val =[0]
if (val >> 5) == 0b110:
nbytes = 4
b = bytearray([val & 0b11111])
elif (val >> 6) == 0b10:
nbytes = 2
b = bytearray([val & 0b111111])
nbytes = 1
b = bytearray([val])
b.extend( - 1))
return int.from_bytes(b, byteorder='big', signed=self.signed)
class CLRCompressedUInt(Type):
def __new__(self):
return CLRCompressedInt(signed=False)
class CLRSignatureType(enum.Enum):
Default = 0x0
C = 0x1
StdCall = 0x2
ThisCall = 0x3
FastCall = 0x4
VarArg = 0x5
Field = 0x6
LocalVar = 0x7
Property = 0x8
class CLRSignatureFlags(enum.Flag):
Generic = 0x10
HasThis = 0x20
ExplicitThis = 0x40
class CLRSignatureAttributes(MultiEnum):
type = (CLRSignatureType, 0x0F)
flags = (CLRSignatureFlags, 0xF0)
class CLRMethodSignature(Struct):
param_count = CLRCompressedUInt()
ret_type = CLRElement(CLRCompressedUInt())
params = Arr(CLRElement(CLRCompressedUInt()))
def on_param_count(self, spec, context):
spec.params.count = self.param_count
def __str__(self):
return '(' + ', '.join(str(p) for p in self.params) + ') -> ' + str(self.ret_type)
class CLRFieldSignature(Struct):
type = CLRElement(CLRCompressedUInt())
def __str__(self):
return str(self.type)
class CLRPropertySignature(Struct):
param_count = CLRCompressedUInt()
type = CLRElement(CLRCompressedUInt())
params = Arr(CLRElement(CLRCompressedUInt()))
def on_param_count(self, spec, context):
spec.params.count = self.param_count
def __str__(self):
return '(' + ', '.join(str(p) for p in self.params) + ') -> ' + str(self.ret_type)
class CLRLocalVarSignature(Struct):
count = CLRCompressedUInt()
vars = Arr(CLRElement(CLRCompressedUInt()))
def on_count(self, spec, context):
spec.vars.count = self.count
class CLRSignature(Struct):
attribs = Enum(CLRSignatureAttributes, UInt(8))
signature = Switch(options={
CLRSignatureType.Default: CLRMethodSignature,
CLRSignatureType.C: CLRMethodSignature,
CLRSignatureType.StdCall: CLRMethodSignature,
CLRSignatureType.ThisCall: CLRMethodSignature,
CLRSignatureType.FastCall: CLRMethodSignature,
CLRSignatureType.VarArg: CLRMethodSignature,
CLRSignatureType.Field: CLRFieldSignature,
CLRSignatureType.Property: CLRPropertySignature,
CLRSignatureType.LocalVar: CLRLocalVarSignature,
def on_attribs(self, spec, context):
spec.signature.selector = self.attribs.type
def __str__(self):
return str(self.signature)